Comprehensive Non Diabetes Package Fasting
- HbA1c
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Urine routine examination
- Apolopoprotein A1&B
- Ecg
- Stress Test
- Liver Function Test
- Hemogram
- Thyroid Function Test
- Serum Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin B12
- USG abdomen-pelvis
- Consultation Diet
- Consultation – Dental
- Consultation- Diabetologist
- Consultation Physiotherapy
- Audiometry
This package offers tests for those who are in a hurry and would like a basic diabetic check up. However it still requires about 3 hours of patient’s time. This package has an added advantage of being done in Non-fasting state. (No need fasting). In addition to having all these tests done under one roof, the results are available the same day and the Physician consultation is also done with the available reports.
Note – 12 hours of fasting is recommended.